IVF (in vitro fertilization) - assisted reproductive technology, which is used when conception in a natural way is impossible. This method is relatively simple, its theory is developed to the smallest detail, and its application gives very high results. IVF is the main treatment for infertility worldwide. It is effective in all its forms.

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The main causes of infertility in women:

  • Damage to the fallopian tubes and mucous membrane of the uterus
  • Disorders of egg maturation and ovulation
  • Endometriosis
  • Inflammatory, infectious or endocrine disorders

The main causes of infertility in men:

  •  Decreased concentration and deterioration of sperm quality
  •  Inflammatory, infectious or endocrine disorders

It is believed that in the case of regular sex life without contraception, pregnancy in a couple of reproductive age should occur within a year. If this does not happen, then a couple who still wants to have children should contact an obstetrician-gynecologist. Women who have crossed the threshold of 35 years old are advised to undergo an examination to determine the causes of infertility after six months of unsuccessful attempts.

Preparation for IVF, conducting the procedure and monitoring after IVF Preparation for IVF takes about 2-3 weeks and includes tests for both spouses. Women undergo a gynecological examination, ultrasound of the pelvic organs, donate blood for HIV, hepatitis, syphilis, for hormones, smear for infections. Men are also prescribed blood and smear tests for infections, as well as a spermogram. After receiving the results of the tests, the doctor will have all the necessary information, which means that he will reliably establish the cause of infertility and select the appropriate IVF method.

IVF usually starts with hormonal stimulation - a woman takes hormones, thanks to which several eggs mature in one cycle. Usually the duration of this step is 2 weeks. At the time of ovulation, the eggs are removed from the ovaries by puncture. The process is monitored by ultrasound. IVF usually starts with hormonal stimulation - a woman takes hormones, thanks to which several eggs mature in one cycle. Usually the duration of this step is 2 weeks. At the time of ovulation, the eggs are removed from the ovaries by puncture. The process is monitored by ultrasound. Then the eggs are fertilized by the sperm of the partner or donor. Sperm for fertilization undergoes some preparation - the sperm are separated from the seminal fluid. Sometimes testicular puncture is required to produce sperm. The egg combines with the sperm in the laboratory in the usual way or through ICSI and is transferred to the incubator for 5-6 days. If fertilization has occurred, the embryo is checked for viability and the absence of pathologies: Down syndrome, hemophilia, etc. Today it is possible to carry out such testing even at the stage when the embryo consists of only 6-8 cells. However, it is much safer for the embryo to do this when it consists of 60–150 cells: this is what they do in modern laboratories. If the embryo meets the requirements, it is inserted into the uterus through a catheter. It is allowed to transfer several embryos, but modern clinics in most cases transfer one, and the rest are frozen in case the first IVF attempt fails.