Obesity is the increase of body fat as a result of sedentary life and unhealthy eating habits and this rate reaches dangerous levels. Anyone with a body mass index of 30 or more is considered obese. The World Health Organization defines obesity as "the accumulation of fat in the body that adversely affects health ”.


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Several methods have been developed to determine the degree of obesity. Many of these are expensive and complicated methods. For this reason, to use the calculation method called body mass index (BMI) which is the closest and most practical.

Calculated based on height and weight, this method has several formulas. But the formula that everyone can easily calculate is obtained by dividing the weight of the person (in kg) by the square of his height (in meters).

According to the American Institute of Health;

20 to 24.9 if normal

25 to 29.9 is overweight

30 to 34.9 are obese

35 to 39.5 are type II obese

40 to 49.9 are morbidly obese

50 and above are considered super obese.

People often reject the diagnosis of obese or are unaware that they meet the criteria for being obese. Statistics show that this discomfort is actually a global problem and awareness should be raised. According to World Health Organization, at least 700 million of the world's population is obese. In Turkey, this rate of 22.3%. Obesity, which is more common in women, is expected to occur in one out of every 10 people in 2040.

As fat mass increases in the body, symptoms such as cardiovascular disorders, disruption of skin tissue, difficulty breathing, snoring, sleep apnea, excessive sweating and joint pain begin to show. These symptoms may show before the body mass index reaches the level of obesity, but it is inevitable that the person will reach the level of obesity when the weight is not controlled. Therefore, apart from the body mass index exceeding 30, we can say that the first sign of obesity is unhealthy nutrition and sedentary life style.

Kidney disorders, sugar, cholesterol, inability to sleep, chronic fatigue or even depression, serious problems such as obesity may occur. Excessive weight should be avoided before starting these conditions, which greatly reduce the standard of living.

1- Gastric By-Pass
2- Stomach Botox

Gastric By-Pass as an Obesity Treatment

A gastric bypass is where surgical staples are used to create a small pouch at the top of the stomach. The pouch is then connected to your small intestine, missing out (bypassing) the rest of the stomach. This means it takes less food to make you feel full and you'll absorb fewer calories from the food you eat.

Who can apply Gastric By-Pass?

These surgical interventions for obesity and diabetes are applied to patients between the ages of 18 and 60 years. Before the surgery, a detailed examination is performed by a team of internal diseases expert, psychologist and nutritionist. Body Mass Index (BMI) is above 40, and less is the finding of metabolic diseases is the basis for evaluation. These surgeries, which are not applied under the age of 18, can be performed according to the physical condition of patients over 60 years.

How long does it takes the result of Gastric By-Pass?

Fifty percent of excess weight is lost in the first 6 months after Gastric By-Pass operations. In the second 6 months, 75% of the excess weight is given in a year. The patient is expected to reach the ideal weight after one and a half years. At this point, it is important that the patient fully comply with all diets and prevention programs given. It is especially important for the first 6 months after surgery.

Botilinum toxin (botox) application to the stomach is a relatively new method of weight loss that is endoscopically injected with Botilinum toxin in certain parts of the stomach. In this method, the contraction of the stomach muscles is limited and gastric emptying time is delayed and the patient loses appetite; thus, weight loss is achieved.

Stomach botox can actually be applied to anyone who wants to lose weight. This procedure is not an obesity surgery. However, there are certain criteria for applicable patients.

Who can apply stomach botox?

It is a suitable method for those who cannot lose weight properly with diet and sports.Gastric botox is not recommended to patients with a body mass index of over 40 and who can be successful with other obesity surgeries.The body mass index of the patients to be treated with stomach botox should be below 40. In other words, it is applied to individuals who cannot lose weight by dieting and exercise with a body mass index between 27-35 and having an excess of 10-20 kg. At this point, patients who are overweight but not obese enough to be operated and who want to lose weight are the ideal patient group. In patients with gastric ulcers or gastritis, firstly, after proper treatment.

What are the  benefits  from  the stomach botox?

- Stomach botox is not an obesity surgery

- It is an endoscopic procedure

- No incision

- The procedure takes an average of 20 minutes

- Patients are anesthetized with anesthesia physician during the procedure

- Hospitalization is not necessary

- Generally 1-2 hours of observation is sufficient after the procedure

- Within 3 days after the application of gastric botox, appetite reduction and appetite control is achieved.

What is the expectation of stomach botox application?

Patients are expected to lose 10-15% of their total weight over a period of 3-6 months. Amount of weight given; depends on age, metabolic rate, and frequency of exercise.