What Is Rhinoplasty ?

What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is the operation of shaping the bone and cartilage structure of the nose, correcting the proportions of the nose with the other parts of the face, disrupting the harmonious appearance of the face. The goal is to achieve a comfortable and breathable nose that looks and proportions with the face of the person, without permanent marks, and looks natural and beautiful.

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Nose aesthetic surgery begins with the evaluation and interview of the patient. Bone and cartilage structure of the nose, curvature or not, angle of nose with forehead and lip, shape of nose tip, are important issues. In the pre-evaluation and interview, it is very important to clearly understand the patient's postoperative expectation and to inform the patient in clear terms. Aspirin and other blood thinners not taken 1 week before the operation, herbal tea should not be drinking, smoking if possible or not to smoke up to max 5 in a day. Getting Alcohol should stop before 48 hours of operation.

Nose aesthetic surgery is performed under general anesthesia. It must be performed in the operating room under appropriate hospital conditions. The operations are performed with closed or open technique. The operation lasts between 1-3 hours.

The patient stays in the hospital for one night as a precautionary. Temporary bruises and swelling occur in some cases after nasal surgery. However, after a certain time, this situation disappears. If the buffer is placed, the buffer is removed after 2-4 days. Bone healing is thought to have occurred in part 6-8. The splints put on the nose are removed on days. If open rhinoplasty is performed, healing is seen by leaving a slight trace.

During the first few days it is possible to see very slight leaks and slight blockages. In the first month, there may be swelling in the nose which may affect breathing slightly due to edema due to surgery. Medications recommended by the doctor will eliminate this swelling.

Post-operative time depends on the technique of the operation, the procedures performed, the healing potential of the patient, the work performed by the patient and the environment in which he / she lives. Patients who do desk work do not care about the appearance of their splints on the nose, but they can work on the fourth day. It is recommended for people who are very active to start working in 7-10 days.

Smoking adversely affects the healing process. Some external factors should also be considered during the treatment process. Protect from sunlight for 3 months. There is no need for extra protection against sunlight as there is no incision after closed surgeries, but it should be noted that; protection from the sun is always important to prevent premature aging of the skin. Swimming, running and similar activities are limited according to the procedures and technique. It is recommended that the doctor obtain additional information on the use of contact lenses and glasses.

Total recovery after nasal surgery takes place after 3-6 months.