What is Botox?

BOTOX is the brand name of a toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. In large amounts, this toxin can cause a form of muscle paralysis known as botulism, which is usually associated with food poisoning. Even though one of the most serious complications of botulism is paralysis, scientists have discovered a way to use it to human advantage. Small, diluted (weakened) amounts can be directly injected into specific muscles, causing controlled relaxation of the muscles.  The FDA approved such usage in the late 1980s when it was discovered that BOTOX could stop ailments such as blepharospasm (uncontrolled blinking) and strabismus (lazy eye). Cosmetic physicians have been using BOTOX for years to successfully treat wrinkles and facial creases. BOTOX is approved for treatment of frown lines on the forehead, crow’s feet (lines around the eye), and axillary hyperhidrosis (increased sweating of the armpits). Within the past few years, new products that have similar preparations have been introduced into the U.S. market and have been well-received by patients.

BOTOX blocks the signal from the nerve to the muscles. The injected muscle can no longer contract (tighten) as forcefully, which causes the wrinkles to relax and soften. BOTOX can be used on the forehead lines, frown lines, crow’s feet, bunny lines (lines in the nose), chin (for dimpling), skin bands on the neck, and around the mouth (for smoker’s lines and down-turned corners of the mouth). Wrinkles caused by sun damage and gravity often will not respond to BOTOX. It is important to re-emphasize that BOTOX is NOT a facial filler (that is, it does not fill existing wrinkles) – it merely relaxes the muscles that are creating those wrinkles.

Botox can be preferred not only for aesthetic purposes but also for therapeutic methods.

- Bending and loosening of the muscles of the neck,

- Lazy eye problem,

- In neurological conditions,

- Treatment of excessive sweating,

- Chronic migraine patients,

- Urinary Skincontinence problem,

- Wrinkles removal

- To create a lifting effect on the skin.

Using a very fine needle, your doctor injects the Botox directly into the targeted facial muscles. A topical anesthetic cream may be applied to your skin to decrease the sensation of the injection; you should discuss this option with your doctor beforehand. Botox treatments take only a few minutes and are given during a typical office visit. You should be able to return to your normal activities immediately.The effects of Botox-induced muscle relaxation begin to occur within about three days. By the end of the first week, you will probably notice a significant reduction of fine lines and wrinkles around the treated areas. Repeat injections of Botox may be given after the effects wear off.

It can be applied to anyone between the ages of 18-65 in the treatment of wrinkles on the face and neck.

- Horizontal lines on the forehead

- Lines between two eyebrows

- Eye contour lines

- Lines around the mouth

- Neck lines are application areas.

Here are some things you should and shouldn't do after getting Botox injections: ... Avoid rubbing and massaging the treated area for 24 hours because you don't want to make the Botox spread to other unintended muscles. Avoid strenuous physical activity. Avoid consuming large amounts of alcohol.